Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jermaine Jackson's statement about his new mission & my thoughts about it

Jermaine: "The tragedy of my brother’s death is still with me. But in his death, I have found a mission for my life. My existence is now dedicated to spreading Michael’s message. Michael had a unique place in the world. He not only did good, but taught others how to do the same. This only magnifies his loss to the world."

Ever since I got the terrible, shocking news, that Michael........ that Michael's gone... i'm in constant pain. I mean it. But a few days after his passing, a thought, preferably a question hit me: What is going to happen with those children all around the world... the children Michael helped to survive, gave them food, medicine, whatever they needed?? I know that his Heal The World Foundation will live on, but THE MAN WHO WAS LITERALLY THERE for those children, is no more with them, no more with us.. Do you people understand what I mean?? So I was thinking, that somebody close to Michael HAVE TO, without question HAVE TO carry on his humanitarian legacy. And I don't mean that somebody should start to collect money and give it to a charity, because it's not enough.. It's just not enough...that is not what Michael did. He did a lot more! You know what I mean.
I hope, Jermaine thinks the same and will do the right thing, the right way!!!

Jermaine: "I want to make people aware of the humanitarian side of Michael. I want to show them how his true emphasis wasn’t music, or performing; it was improving the world. Understand this, and you begin to understand the essence of who my brother was."

I'm so happy, Jermaine said that! Sooooo happy! Because people know absolutely nothing or very little about Michael's humanitarian work! That's why i try to avoid the hungarian media, 'cause the only thing they say about Michael Jackson is, that he was the greatest entertainer who ever lived. Which is true, don't get me wrong, but geez, that's just a part of what he was!!!There's a lot more, people should know about.. His true calling was to help children and people in general..
I bet most of you people have no clue where Ukraine is, or what was going on there.. Well Michael had.. and Michael helped. I bet most of you have no idea where Transylvania is, or how people, how children suffer there.. Michael knew..and Michael helped.
And I could write 2000 more...but I won't. If you interested, see the most accurate timeline of Micael Jackson's charity work.
Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not saying that you, dear reader are not worthy or you're not a good soul, or a caring human being.. I'm just saying, that MICHAEL JACKSON WAS THE GREATEST AS A HUMAN BEING! Not "just" as an entertainer..He was a true Angel.
I hope Jermaine will succeed letting to world know Michael's humanitarian side. be continued..

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